- 15 fresh asparagus spears
- 4-5 slices Lancewood mozzarella cheese
- 6 slices Coppa
- pesto (wellness)
- 1 chopped chilli
- Handful toasted pine nuts
- drizzle olive oil
- few leaves basil leaves
- Lancewood Cheddar (for garnish)
Grill asparagus in griddle pan
Season with Salt
Add slices of cheese to gently melt
Remove melted cheese from pan
Leave the asparagus to cook for a few more minutes, then remove from pan, slice in half
Dress with olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper
Put pesto in bowl add chilli before mixing
To Serve:
Tear mozzarella and scatter on plate
Add coppa and dressed asparagus
Top with toasted pine nuts
Dot spoonful’s of pesto on to plate
Garnish with grate cheddar cheese
Finish off with fresh basil leaves